The Could be Harmed of Kill

It’s Weird…

How sometimes the most mundane Morning can be entirely enjoyable…

Or maybe thats just the Enchilada’s talking, I Don’t know…

It’s one of those day’s where you’re Happy

And Want to Express That Randomly to the World

But Then you Go to do That

And You Realise you Have nothing to Express…

And So you Go and Work out Inanely and then Fix some Frozen Dinner Enchilada’s

And They Are Utterly Delicious

And you are Even Happier then Before.

And Then you Come and Write it Down

And you Don’t feel guilty about it at all…

(And then you think about someone you want to Fuck)

And you’re Even happier because you Probably will get to Fuck them

And That Is just a Delicious Beginning to a Day

And It only Took 13 And’s to Say (That is, Not Including that Last one)

-The End-




Freedom Penis

Bobbing in a Toilet of Fear!



I’m feeling very pragmatic

focusing to much on the practical…

It’s getting closer and closer to the shoot date for our 16mm Film

And I Fear Mediocrity.

I’m Worried they will Show our film to future Classes as examples of poorly chosen camera angles….

And then I Feel Worse after Expressing those Fears.

Because Apparently No one see’s any of the Flaws that I’ve been seeing…

This Film has Taken up so much of my Time…

I’m going to be Pissed if comes out Mediocre…

Not that it really falls on my shoulder, My job is just to get the movie shot

And Make sure we’re never behind schedule…

My Job is to be Practical, to eliminate problems on set…

But Right now the Four Directors have yet to even Have a Table Read with the Actors Yet

(And We Start Shooting in a Week)

We Don’t have a Lighting Plot Yet…

I Still am not quite sure How they plan on doing a great number of things, from the ship colliding with the pirates ship, to arms getting shot off, to any of the shoot out scenes.

Theres isn’t time left for ambiguious notions of how things are going to get accomplished.



What Can I Say…

I Wish Everyone was Compitant and Skilled

And That The World Flowed With A Zietgeist of Eureka

Instead I have “Space Pirates”

and an 80 Degree up Shot of a Guy walking Down a Hallway

And Extremely Wide Angle Close Ups of a Stuttering Reactor Room Technician paired with a 50 mm Normal Medium Shot That we are apparently going to cut back and forth between…



Bitch bitch bitch

Worry Worry worry

I Know

But thats whats going on in my life

(only Its my job to be as composed as possible so I Don’t actually get to bitch, I get to “Express Concern”)


-The End-


Oh I got new Glasses too

They’re Versace’

And they Blind the Sun!

(Well… at the very least they’re Extremely Shiny)