In sunless air, under pines

 No thirst disturbs a stone’s bed.

 Suave eternal- Pill Bottle- serpents promise bliss

 … Never

 Try to Trick me With a Kiss…

 Under this Dawn Filled Guise—

—- Of a Ghosts Leave-Taking

 And Sighs

 Late at Night

 Nothing but a Ripple Under the Star Blotted Sky,

 Black hair, till there you stood.

 Tip, riveting Ash, Frost, black, Air

 A Long Inhale

 And Hallow Blunt Fire at the End of my White Paper Tongue

 And in my Voice…

 “Hello… You don’t know How I Miss you.”

                                                              …. Broke…. and Gray

 I hear…



Dancing With  a  Ghost,




“And There Wasn’t Enough Alcohal in the World….” .



Getting ready to head out for Champagn-ya!

Club I’ve never been to before, so hopefully it’ll be better then my last

venture into the Knoxville night life…

(In Other Words, Not Boring, With Shitty Drinks)


Happy New Years 😛

-The End-

Vampire Teeth of Candy Canes,


He is my King of Nails,


Metal Teeth like Carousels…



}And yeah {


} I know I just contradicted myself {




But His Teeth are Everything…


His Teeth are You.








Your Gumming me

At the Moment.









Please Stop


-The End-

23? wasn’t that a terrible Jim Carrey Movie?




I’m 23 and I feel old, which is stupid, I know.

But Still, Alot of my friends are getting married and soon they’ll be having Kids…

And that Just…

Makes me Feel Old.

Old and Lonely

Which is not a Good Combination of things to be.

I Tallied up how much money I Spend each month trying to fight off Age.

And its Alot.

I Don’t know.

Love supposedly makes everything Better. (And it really does)

(Outside of Heroin its a pretty damn Addictive Thing)

So Oh Well, Going out Dancing, For New Years

and who knows

Maybe I’ll luck out and Find someone pretty to Kiss when the clock strikes Midnight.

And If Not,

At the Very Least, they’ll be enough booze around for me to drink the world into a happier place.




You were the Wrath of Dusk Itself, My Light…

  Just As the Day,

       Half Crested and Bleeding Dry…

           We All Must Go…

              Dying in Smears of Red…. and Exhausted Hours.

 Till alone to Peace…

    And Now To crumble…

         To Decay Into our Separate Night;

                     And Dance as Dust before the Sun,

                                And Sleep…

                                                      {to Long}

                                                                …In Quiet Dew.



    I Discovered there are No empty Hours of the Night
                                               —each minute in fact is dense

    Like something drowning, or almost born,

      Breath Itself, a Dance,

       a Paper Napkin in the Wind

                 a Cup of Hot Tea,

                             The Silence of Somewhere Else.

            Really, no…


         In Answer to Your Question….

          I got this Heart-shaped Bruise…
                         On my left Arm

                               From falling into a Rack
                                                         of Cheap Underwear…
                                                                                              at Wal-Mart.


New Years approaches and I hope everyones Holidays have been going well…


(Since I don’t really have anything else to say)

Happy New Years 😛

-The End-


I’ve been pretty lazy recently…

Utterly Consumed by Video Game distractions.

“The Witchery” is a pretty unique game to say the least, Heres a pretty good summation of the type of Sand Box Rpg it is. (From Gamestop)

“The first act is simply astonishing in how it plays out. You start off trying to track down the bad guys who raided your witcher fortress and killed one of your pals, but soon get involved in a feud that pits the religious leader and nobles of a hamlet against a witch. However, nobody’s hands are clean. One merchant you deal with is in cahoots with the evil cult you’re hunting. A guard you help with a ghoul problem turns out to be a rapist. The village priest you’re helping cleanse the region of a demonic dog called “the Beast” is actually a misogynistic lunatic. And the witch isn’t much better, given that she’s sold poison used in a suicide and employed a voodoo doll to make one of the local bigwigs kill his brother. By the end of the act, in a showdown complete with burning torches and pitchforks, you’re forced to choose between the woman-hating, rape-loving, cult-affiliated mob and the murdering witch. It makes the most sense to side with the witch because the villagers are an awfully sleazy lot, but doing so forces you to slaughter virtually all of them and leave their town burned to the ground. “

And thats actually a pretty tame part of the game.

Decent Graphics… But Not quite as solid a game as Morrowind or Oblivion

(The Elder Scrolls games are still king of the immersive Sand Box RPG’s)

But Damn is this game Dark.

Anyways I’m sure no one cares about my Supra Nerdy pass times…

But other then that I’ve only worked on two Comic Scripts and Read “The Ruins”

(Which btw the movie adaptation looks pretty good)


Going Shopping for Booze Tommorrow for the big Family New years Eve, Drink ourselves to Death and Watch someone Inevitably light themselves on Fire shin-dig.

And then Life will resume once again after the holidays are over… (And only alittle singed around the edges.)




A Tree, Maple,


Chemo For The Sky.

Have you Passed through This Night?

Seen These, With Bells On,

Light Themselves on Fire?
Listened to the Sounds of Iwo Jima,

Charol their Way

Out of a Childs Mouth?
The Moon is Down,

The Sun has Thrown in the Towl,

Every Damn Star, Blinked Out,

Gone, Hit the Showers.

Is A Transfiguration,



To the Table

on Time…
A Door, Rushing, Opened.

A Fiery Furnace of Blueberries

And Two Dozen Voices of Hot Air…
I Take My Seat

And Smile…


The only Thing I Can see on the Menu.
Is Christmas…


And An Empty Bottle of Wine.


3 years old maybe?


Still incompasses my Holiday Spirit though

(I Love the holidays… just not the  Extended Family interactions)

(Kinda like Guantanamo, only with Booze and Happy Music)



The Raw Shark Texts is the best Book I’ve read all year.

If your looking for a book to read over the Winter…

(You Can’t go Wrong with this one)

It’s probably one of the most inventive novels… in a Decade? Two Decades?

(A Long Time)


p.s. It’s Really Good.

Even the Drag Queens Didn’t know How to Dance…


Ventured to a Club in Downtown Knoxville tonight…

(Poor Bartenders, Ho Hum Drinks)

(And Terrible Decor)

(And it was Supposedly one of the Best)

I’m not looking forward to my (Somewhat Brief) stay here…

Although it was nice to get a chance to stroll around a mildly large city again…

I Don’t know, The Lights… the Crumbling Streets… The Tall Buildings…

It kinda felt like Home…

(Although I encountered none of the interesting characters I so loved to feed upon in Orlando or Columbus…)

(So not much inspiration from tonight… oh well, I know they’re out there somewhere)

(And maybe it’ll be different on another night…)

I Didn’t even encounter anyone Strikingly Beautiful

What a Shame

(And a Waste of a Good 35$)



“Things are More Beautiful because we’re Doomed”





Sometimes the Winter does not the Summer Make.


Sometimes the Winter is only take and take And Take.


Much like


My Quiet kissing dead slept Kat.


{Yes}  His Looks


{As well}         had a voice,




{ Ice melting in Cranberry, Lime and Juice. }


But like


The shade cries to Love the Sun,


Oh, diocese of tension


I’m down to my Skin at last.


Please… Please


Rock me to sleep, the weather’s wrong,


I’ve nothing left to give to you


But Nails and Teeth,


Tongue and Eyes


And still He continues,


All bounce and sway, along


Till crouching, Crunching, softest tender-est Noise…


The Midnight of Me descends,


Setting, much, quicker than he might of Enjoyed.


My Dear, Twittered Dove,


This Will          { is }




And Die.


Voice of My Shoulder…


Voice of long Past Sins.


Was it Dust that I was Kissing?


Dreamed and Instant, Ghost of Voices lost and fire


Do all Beginnings… start without Shade?


Tell me… Answer, sweet and Quick…


Close region of kissing final Dust…




Just what was your Wish…


Other than Sand, burning,


Beneath my Eyelids.






This Scene


Is End.








Today was a waste…

(Sweeny Todd was only playing on the far west side of Knoxville (1hr away) and not planning for the horrendous holiday Traffic, I didn’t make the showing I’d set out for… Harumph.)




Fear the coming of Black Guitar Kalishnakov!








6×6 Word Cube Magic!

(They spell the same words across and down)

(and Sorcerors would use them for mischief, well at least in my Historical    



Sweeny Todd comes out tommorrow.

And For some reason, I’m actually quite excited.

(Does this speak to the unreasonable boredom of Dandridge? or my own incurable nerdiness?)

Who knows…
