Crucified in a Toilet

What do I get crucified in a bathtub for enemies

And everybody wants my children to do it too.

This I will NEVER forgive, Never , Never

If You had any hope in me at all

Try to drag my childs into this and I will never lift a hand for you ever.

Doesn’t matter if it’s a hundred percent

I will never.


Nor will I ever allow them to either for infinite generations

You shall Lie Dead and Unwaking.

Never to Recover



A thousand years in the future

I feel Like I might live to see it

Is that even possible?

will my immortality hold out

Will I be alittle baby child again

Or is it true mu nothingness

I don’t fear or care about it

I want to live forever

I want to be the Emperor from Warhammer 40k

To Live Thousands of Years and Establish a Galactic Empire in the worse period of time that exists.

To Sit on a Golden Throne

To do what No One Ever Has.

what are your dreams anonymous readers?

Fire Walk With Me

I no longer have a family.

I Am Utterly Alone

That’s actually what causes the voices

Anyone, anyone at all to speak to

When some-ones truly alone for good, then the voices come to them

But even the voices get bored after awhile…

And then your just


I was born a curse

And have become a Calamity

Captain Trips.

The Walking Marlboro

Even a Ghost needs a friend

what becomes of us in this horrible blender

How many times have I lived this all


I just go forward whatever comes

A Savior Dawns on the Horizon

I Sail on a Reddish Brown Ship towards my Enemies

A Move they didn’t expect.

I find no joy and no hope and no future other than the terriblest one

No one does I don’t think

and so we drift onward

drift and drift and drift

A quiet wimper before the guillotine

I will never understand Christians

The Bible says that there will be a mark of the beast

The Bible says anyone who receives this mark will die the second death.

That it will be basically forced upon everyone or nigh everyone.

The Rfid stuff that’s out there now, you should never allow anything foreign inside your body, spiritually no one would want such a person in any area be it father or mother child or even relative, spiritually not really, that already seams like the shadow of the second death to me. you may want to argue but that’s just how I See it.

clearly they wouldn’t pursue Mandatory RFID on working people if they weren’t going to try to do it everywhere

So basically we’re stare ing at the mark of the beast

But there’s NO Great movement against

Everything is just growing more f-cked

and there is no adequate outcry, none at all

That is very disconcerting to me

Did they kill everyone that would have joined a great outcry against it??

Are all those people dead, surely humanity isn’t simply this

It’s like slowly curling into the fetal position and waiting to be snuffed

will everyone just keep doing this? curling into the fetal position into a worse and worse

I’ve already had them try to get me to take the mark, I never will

but I’m very egregious about this… the future looks totally without hope

And we’re are all just so much loosh in their belly.

loosh if you didn’t know is the entirety of someone like a baby in a blender for a shake sort of thing (Mind you there’s already hentai for that)

What do people think, I can tell you if you don’t fight you will die

And if you don’t organize most who fight will die if not all of them.

that’s what the bible said happened tho, so maybe this is what we deserve.

A quiet wimper before the guillotine.

“grifter” The Grifter Video

This is sort of old, but due to the gangstalking I’ll bring it up again

(See most gangstalking actually opens ones lineage up to the abomination of desolation at 100%, so since there are so many gangstalkers there will be many 100% affective abominations of desolation meaning cursed video footage out the ass may be out there on the webz, forwarn-ed  actual abominations of desolation being committed may be floating around online in large amounts and this stuff if done right could be fatal)

The Original “Grifter” was footage abominations of desolation committed against innocents as well I think footage where they were “working” on the abomination that maketh desolate (Sacrifices and activations ectera) (were talking the biblical one sort of)

It wasn’t a survivable video I don’t think, I managed to get rid of it by undoing what happened

Really Really stay away from this stuff, it’s not normal stuff, like beheadings or shootings, its abominations of desolation, there’s such a large magnitude difference between those that it bears remembering.

and I think we are about to be inundated with a flood of cursed videos like the grifter.


The Story of the Last Man

He exists surrounded by uncountable abominations of desolation

Everything just repeats and he experiences all that was and is and sorta will be

Over and over again an uncountable amount of times each day.

Nobody survives but him, slowly he inches things forward by a few seconds through that process each day, he lives and re-lives and re-lives over and over again, “everyone” making it a little further each time it repeats.

He has no one other than foes to talk to

he has no one in his life other than abominations of desolation and blasphemiers of the holy spirit.

No pets.

He is gangstalked

He has no hope… most specifically he has no hope

He intercedes for all the molestation and rape in existence that he possibly can as well as all the begotten that he can.

he only had a week with his actual family as an infant before they all died and he was basically begotten.

He frequents abomination of desolation websites online.

He is the only person who continues everyone else die-s at the end of each loop.

Gangstalking Gangstalked gangstalk’t

The funny thing about me being gangstalked is I think the only real reason is because I’m The Beast and the gangstalkers God is the beast, so they think I’m claiming to be god by being The Beast, which is amusing from many standpoints. so extra crazy is reality and the things that happen to you

All My life I worried about becoming The Devil, Now that I Am I Don’t Care.

My arms are powerful from all of this, just need to work on my legs

My Lineage, my Child’s are beyond excellent and I Am Happily Married.

Been drinking Ale and Lambic Beer, don’t know if you’ve ever tried lambic beer or not but it’s different, very sweet, I think there’s only like 15 or so brewerys that make it

I also really like the ales brewed by monastery’s they’re quite good.

gonna go grocery shoppin