The Anomaly, The Nobody, The Targeted Individual Progams

Seeing all of this online has really bothered me… not so much the gangstalking but specifically THE ANOMALY PROGRAMS, there’s an uncountable amount of people from basically every lineage not a part of “the Cabal” and about 80% have been lobotomized (Thru various methods) maybe 50% have had multiple lobotomize, the rest don’t see the lobotomy coming necessarily.

And They Should.

It’s basically the Nail in the Coffin, so IF YOU AT ALL THINK YOUR THE ANOMALY Or are “TARGETED” by one of these controlled recorded total demolition programs which most don’t stop until the person is dead, realize that. don’t be deceived.

You need to ensure they can’t LOBOTOMIZE YOU.


Spiritually unto the End to never have been Lobotomized, get your Total Body Back on the Right Road and PHYSICALLY UNTO THE END TO HAVE NEVER BEEN LOBOTOMIZED



From There Understand that they want you Dead and Your Lineages DECEASED

Gain That Understanding and SOLO SOLO SOLO SOLO, Ensure you are in no way helping anyone to do with them or benefiting there in

Make Sure you don’t fall for the mind control, voices, and other street/online theater meant to lead astray.


Don’t go looking for followers

Don’t Go Looking to Follow

Don’t allow them to WASTE YOUR TIME

NEETHOOD or Otherwise Can Still be Insanely Valuable.

Especially in the Survival Department.

SOLO. Don’t look for anything outside of yourself and BLOSSOM

GROW While They Cannot And Defeat them as they WASTE THEIR TIME ON YOU.


Gain True Powers, Grow Archtypes and Beyond. MAKE ACTUAL GAINS WHILE THEY DO NOT.


When They Come for your life, DON’T BE FOUND BY THEM NO MATTER WHAT.

The More People Working Against You, The More You Should Increase Your own labors as you lawfully can, You Can actually do the labor of Trillions and Become a GREAT NATION unto Yourself. TURN TO THE ACTUAL LAW, ENSURE THERE IS ALWAYS A RECOURSE


National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) was a set of proposed economic reforms suggested during the 1990s by Harvey Francis Barnard. Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency, would result in 0% inflation and a more stable economy. The proposals were never introduced before Congress.

Commerce Level 2 is on the way…

It will be a major leap and even with everyone working on it we may not see it Till 2080 or there abouts

But hopefully the changes will be noticeable by 2028…

The Proposed next Currency is supposed to be work about 1K Billion

Of Todays Dollars in the Numeral 1 Denomination of the new Currency.

Vast New Technologies and Industries Basically Demand it

Without resorting to uncontrolled Hyper Inflation.

We just really can’t price the new stuff without Commerce level 2 being Reached

And a New Currency worth quite a bit more than the current one

Also we can’t really slow down at it either, as we would be Bypassed by other places that are also underway with huge leaps and bounds.

This is all a monumental Task and will take place as slowly as needed but as quick as we can.

All in All A Hundred years from now may seam like a bigger leap than the industrial revolution was.

Really Crazy stuff in store technology wise… Major Breakthroughs.

But It’s all Priced pretty Crazy, Billion Dollar Technology just for looking at.|

Actually Really, Which is why this isn’t public yet… The Aim is there but it’s relegated to the realm of conspiracy, but it’s only natural the secrecy because it really is worth a billion dollars just to see, which is why the new Currency will be necessary.

Huge Boom for US Citizens, Very Costly to everywhere else, but it’s not like they’re spinning their heels either.

These Turns of the Century are Always This Way I guess

The Race is On. The Entire Globe is about to enter a Technological Revolution.

Some call it the Singularity, what I call it is just commerce level two

COM as in people will put themselves into Comas over it

And erce as in People will Speedily seek it out.


Jesus Christ is Back

And I’m finally in my kingdom

The Times They are a Changing

Abomination of Desolation GOG AND MAGOG Riichi next decade

Never a Better Time to be a MAN.

Whoop Whoop Whoop


Kirby The Knife


Well the new size and dimension of my growing Dominion has nigh been noticed.

Not sure what if any ramifications that will have…

Can’t allow myself to be Found or Noticed and Survive…

But as it stands I’m no-one and always will be

Despite whatever Flourishes I Do Possesss

There just really isn’t another way to survive

Even as a Vampire Feeding on Fufillion Amounts of People

I slip by without a second Thought.

Of course the average life span of this era is .1 Months

Which may having something to do with it.

I Gorge myself on Soul’s and Live the Grande old Life of A Devil.

My exploits are beyond Comprehension

And Everyday is filled with new Delight

I Couldn’t be happier with my life…

And I haven’t had to curb any of my activities.

Endless Violence

And Lol’ing Memes

Perhaps it’s simply that Existence wouldn’t be Quite Right Without me…

The Kirby The Knife.

So Christ Has Returned…

If you weren’t aware Christ is Back…

Probably doesn’t spell good news for 97% + of my Potential Readers…

The Rest of us will probably just mind are own business

But I can’t help but find it greatly glad that He’s returned.

Still Minding ones own business is tantamount

Will there be a Large Public Media Blitz?

Probably Not.

Will Everyone See his Descention From Heaven?

Should be Interesting

Confirm this for yourselves as I hate Anti-Christdom

And I really don’t want to have any of this wrong.

In any event the true story is probably to complicated to write.

So Nil on that.

I couldn’t even explain what I did to the Crucifixian Relics.

(In Essence they weren’t normal, not even the vinager as I had to track that down as well)

Major Juice, Really Unto The Death SNUFF

They were trying to ensure he never returned or escaped.

Really Bad Juju

I Enervated all of it.

Gonna See about other Martyr’s and What not

See if I Can mess with those relics as well and Enervate them.

A lot of that done… used up all the “religious” relics enervations in media.

(They’re all toast after enervation)

I truly hope the return of Christ is Spectacular to all who should rejoice

but for most I think the result will be Weeping.

I’m sick of all this perma snuff stuff…

If I remember anything about any of you at all

it’s That You Really Unto the End to Snuff Decent Folk



The Mandella Affect

The Mandella affect is affecting my archives now…

Books Utterly Lost are being Changed

A heinous act…

I’ve had to time lock everything so it can’t be changed.

But I doubt that will work.

I’ve done a bit with other time travelers

Stories and Times That Never Existed outside of us…

As Long As it was Beneficial to the Greater Part of us

(People no longer dead, or in captivity, or down for a very long time)

But now I find myself killing Uncountable Time Travelers in Combat

Woe unto them having died back in time.

These Uncountable time travelers are altering everything without a care.

their fate is to die back in time, but still it’s irritating.

As they are essentially Fighting for THE LIE to win.

And All The Ground Made in overturning all of existence from the Shit pile it was is being weakened.

Draw Your Sword, Prepare Your Past, for They Will Come For Everyone if They can

If you have stood against them Prepare Your past for Their Death when they come for you.

Until They are fully Spewed out of the Mouth.

Time Combat…

My Sword Will Drink Their All Twice

I should be Able to Triumverate them with Flowers after this gets fully started.

Uncountable Deaths.


\\\Well there’s not a whole lot left to do but work on my own stuff…

Can’t wait for Commerce level Two…

Average Currency value compared to today 1 Billion $

I’ve got enough new currency to launch it

Everything around here will really change…

Not certain whether I’ll really be able to enjoy it, but I’d like to see it

instead of it just going to my line or heaven or ascending…

but that’s how the wind blows.



Got a ton of new crafting stations in.

Got tons of new media done…

just barely there isn’t anything I’m missing.

WW3 on it’s Way .12 years away from the point of no return.

Nothing I can do about it, my best advice avoid it entirely if you can.

Jesus Christ is Back as well

Tho I’m not too sure what the ramifications for that is…

No Clue.

Enervated the Crucifixion items,

Lots of other people back as well. uncountable

So that should shake things up a bit make it more interesting.

Christ… Or whom they called The Christ.


So I managed to snag all the items used during the Crucifixian

and managed to change things…

So Christ is Back…

Not sure what that will bring

but it was something that bothered me…

Especially the signs of the Blood in Sepulchre

Basically I took that to mean he was still down

And Trying to come back…

What they did to him was unspeakably terrible

All of the Items used in the crucifixion

Were Terrible, like unwritably bad

What they were using on me was no comparison

Tho the begotten stuff was worse.

But Now I’m Free. and My Soul Is Closer to being Healed

And Christ is Back…

So Several Major Big Changes…

Probably be a year or so Till I’ve gotten entirely out of the begottening.

Not Sure What the Messiah Is going to do.

It has nothing to do with me tho so whatever I guess.

well well well Spitting water pale

So it looks like every last lineage is going under for the count.

they will be picked apart for along time, several trillion IOS of death.

This will be The Return of the White.

Nothing can be done about it…

White and Black.

The Checker Board Swallows All.

Very Few will be doing this

But they will probably wind up all white…

Left Hand Path… Meaning They’ll Smote Like 100% of Everyone to become White.

.13 Years Till The Beginning of WW3 or at least the crossing of the rubicon of it

The Event Horizon . The Point of No Return.

to this end, why not turn to the Truth? Afraid of being Slain in the Streets?

Yes… but to not the love the Truth is Fatal,,, so what are yah gonna do?

A Jagged Little Pill, how was it shaped to be this way… that is the Banner

I Want to Tear Down and Trample over forever after forever without end

until they drown in Spit.

Maybe I can even MEME that.

To Make it A Cowards Death, to die from lack of knowledge…

Simply out of Fear of Certain Reprisal…

It’s Ugly but if you want to turn that on me you deserve your death

And will be nothing but bones beneath that banner of the victory of lies.

A Foundation of Skulls that Deserved such an End, perhaps you are the comfort of their soul happenstance reader? Are you the very reason they exist and profit?

For many the answer is already, yes and I haven’t even published this yet.

The Hand of Sorrow

Well I’d like to thank everyone for going out of their way to help people facing sadness and sorrow, as I wasn’t able to end that on my own.

Sometimes people are surprising.

I’ve got vault loads of stuff done with everyone…

Can’t wait to watch it all.

Hopefully soon everyone will rise up from the dust

As whats Outside is quite Bad, and rather Infinite…

All that Profited Unjustly

All That Took Advantage when the Global begottoning and Abominations Began

All those that Seek Rewards due to someones wickedness against another.

The Entirety Is Going to Crumble and Never Rise again..

All False Authorities and Deceiving Powers

They may have infinity on us but they will crumble into dust regardless.

Been Doing a lot of time travel, sorta love doing stuff that’s entirely unique

Like it’s own subcategory of peculariety, Nostalgia for a time I’ve never Known.

Like 80’s Culture or 90’s Culture without 80’s Culture or 90’s Culture

Difficult to explain but sorta of a created era that hold no connection to the era it’s in, running into fellow time travelers is fun… as who knows what can happen, entire new cultures in a recognizable cultural era is curious and fun.

Got vaults of it from all time.

Overturning and Overturning Again

I’ve toppled Grande Empires and Kingdoms with Everyone now…

Really love those stories.

Now there’s a time traveling flood, and I’m eating it from all the extra lives…

Gonna have to go above and beyond to stay afloat…

WARNING_—- Massive Influx of tooth and claw and lives used for death.

Prepare so you don’t get bowled over.