There are no Drag Queens In Tennessee



I’ve become rather pensive as of late…

My two year vacation in Florida has ended…

And It Appears I’m actually going to start looking for a real job

(After the first of the new year)

(and…well… by real job I mean join the ranks of underappreciated and much abused slavile subservent’s to media Hacks on one coast or another– for piss poor pay but by all means excellent coke)    (… which isn’t saying much since coke is far…far to overrated, but… still, none-the-less fun)


But even given that

It still feels like I’m about to join the ranks of Real People




Much prefer

to remain a Professional Distortion— all the rest of my days…


To bad Professional Distortions

Wind up spending all their money on booze and drugs and other far to tansient things


Live in mediocre Apartments

instead of the really hot downtown Lofts.


So a Day Job it is

(Because {Good} Fucking— Takes Money.)

-The End-