the you the me mentions isn’t either of us.


You are a Projection

I am a Projection

They never Meet

Or do they?

I know there is more to you than what I know, undoubtedly

Does this matter more than I think, undoubtedly

Is there something beyond ascension and transcendence

That requires another to Exist?

But if So, it would appear that they must always Exist, they must be everlasting

No Death, No Die-ing, No Dead, No Deceased, No everclear goned

Or does it…

The Left Hand Path and the Right.

I’m still open to Both…

But the Left is hatred and spoils

The Right is Sublime Like Family

I will Gain this Middle Ground between the Two

And Someday My eyes will open and I Will Know

Could it be Nirvana Or Is Nirvana Related at all

Something one might necessarily have to reach ascension and Transcendence

To Experience… A New Magnitude beyond the two…

I Would Be Dissappointed were it not so

I Know it is endless,

I must achieve Nirvana

The Center Will then

The-as Above So Below

Your all under a Baby F*cking Spell

Wether you know it or not

The Sorcery of Mystery Babylon that’s deceived everyone

Is a Baby Fucking Spell

It turns you into a Baby Fucker

Unforgivable by All

Entirely Unto the Ended

And HOW no one will ever miss you or care when you fall.

Deceived is Fatal, sorry to say

So everyone Deceived by Mystery Babylons Sorcery is already Gone

And No One Will Ever Care, because they were Baby Fuckers.

This Only Gets Worse and Worse

But really No one Can Forgive Baby Rape, it’s Repugnant


It’s stuff like this that get people actually everclear goned.

And No One Will ever Care.



Are You ALL Really Baby Fuckers?

OR Have You Been Deceived.

It just Gets Worse

We are Reaching The Worst Point

Continue True To Yourself a Child

Or Not at All


Rid Yourself of All Shadows of a Doubt and ALL Questions

Having any questions will be fatal, having even the shadow of a doubt will be fatal.

Everything will get really bad for the next month

Then slowly better then bad again.

I can’t believe so many have fallen as baby fuckers…

And it’ll just get worse…


Unfathomable shame..

a cigarette In the Wind

“everyone I know, goes away in the end”

Writing out small causes

a reason to type at all

Nothing really worth sharing

So sharing that instead

A Calamity A Calamity A Calamity

Is Approaching?

As in the days of Noah so will the coming of the Son of Man be.

No Survivors… just one family… just like the days of Noah

I feel this approaching, Am I wrong?

They’re spending a Trillion Dollars or more a year on Gangstalking,

There’s your Sign… Dedicated to Defiled, all Connected Subject to the 157th Million death…

You can’t be related to them and Survive…



to them.


Your Gone.

my days of solo heroism are over

Can’t Solo anymore, times up

Got one week left doing stuff with groups

And one week left getting stuff done with my family…

But My solo time is over

I’m still netting a lot of solo musts tho, Final Fantasy and Shin Megami Tensei

and the like…

and Grande Public adventures, I can still do…

so it’s not bad, I can Consolidate my power now, as I was spread pretty thin,

I’m stronger not doing the “IUMEDIA” and I’ve got enough to profit from it

Other than the above not much is going on…

Got some more Panzer Dragon and Wizardry done…

(No One Living other than myself and immediate family (Wife/Childs)

I’ve got swords out there showing people the way to the beginning and end..

Three, one showing the beginning and the end, one showing the beginning and one

Showing the end… I know time is always a crunch but people really should go

Back to the beginning and then the end because I don’t think they will suffer death

if they do, course that will end my FinalFanstasy career along with SMT and Panzer Dragoon and Wizardry, but That’s fine.

Go to the beginning and know the end

It was valuable for myself… a great comfort even.

Gun Violence

The Government is probably already aware of this, and so is everyone else

But it bears repeating.

around 2013 or there about’s as I was traveling the Country

There was a growing trend of people using biologically or otherwise grown

organic Invisible Weaponry, Primarily Guns and going around shooting them at people.

Back then in Apocalypse zones and the like, they were just driving around shooting whoever they could.

Around then the Government had state wide Check Points that were pretty Heavy on

Interstate and highways, so they were probably already aware and have more information than I do. I’ve contacted them and got more information than I had.

They’re also aware of the danger of biologically grown Assualt Weapons

Be they “Invisible” or not. I recently had a dream of being attacked with assault weapons

At a Grocery Store, so I’m certain this is coming.

The Ability of people to grow undocumented mass casualty weapons, biologically or otherwise is a constant and certain outcome during apocalypses

The Government can really only put up more check points

But that won’t stop it. very soon everyone as much as 99.98 % will be Heavily armed at all times.

The Tares will grow Biological Armaments and will probably use them

Shootings may become common place in as little as 5 years.

I’ve updated all the armory and have new equipment out there

Primarily for Sheriffs and Deputies as well as alphabet agents

And the new Weapons are Semi Affective, able to drop around 250% of the Population

But the actual amount needs to be in trillions of percent

and that’s like years ago… so I’ll keep working.

The Next biggest common threat will be GOG AND MAGOG Riichi

If your not aware the “Globe” as it is, is a banner of victory over Gog and Magog

(Which is ABominations of Desolation fornicating with Abominations of Desolation, spawning only abominations of desolations)

There is a vast amount of MECH style Titan Bodies, Cockatrices and Other Organic “Large” Style Bodies including Idols that have yet to be Used. they will probably be used as a flood, designed to overwhelm defences and go around “attack on titan” like

as that manga is a precursor to the amount of the actual threat, it will be worse than attack on titan.

Getting prepare for this is fun… well see,

They’re powered by Hidden Fornication at least some of them are… meaning man is the most effective weapon against them, but is currently scattered rarer than the gold of ophilia in preparation for the gog and magog riichi?

If death is sleep, why do you die with your eyes open…

well People have begun losing time…

Everyone has transformed into a Horror

Is this the coming of the Son of Man?

As in the Days of Noah

In which only one family survived…

Will it be Same?

Will Everyone Be Lost?

In my Dreams as a Child, I Saw Everyone Transform in Monsters…

I’m not sure When, for maybe a year…

After that I had dreams of an Ill Wind that Caught me in my Sleep

And Such Agony it caused, After that I Was Also Transformed.

When Even The Masks Fail Us



Michigan Blue Hell: 2

Further research into the Blue hell of Michigan renders it unsurvivable in all likelihood

I’d had a lot of hits in regards to it, so I’ll post this warning

I don’t think it’s survivable to access, in truth

There are probably other spots like this including potentially the bramuda triangle and area 51.

From what I Can tell it’s actually located on a military base in Michigan

Simply so that people doesn’t disappear because of it haphazardly

There appears to be no way to access it outside of the military compound

which is probably for the best, as there may be no way back once the event horizon is crossed.

Any Event Horizon should never be crossed as the eventualities become more permenant and there is no turning back no matter how hard one tries.

I’m still looking into other ways to access Blue Hell, including the Elevator Game potentially responsible for the death or murder of Elisa Lam

There are probably infinite ways in truth

And I believe this is also potentially the road to time travel forward in time

As opposed to backwards in time.

Forward time travel with further research should become a possibility

DONE, I’ve got it

Time travel into the Future is MINE, and I’ve got the Monopoly

REALLY, I’ve already traveled into the future and back.

Anomaly Program, “The Show” just ramped up

something like 1.5 Killion Traivillion uncountable peoples just got added the what I’m calling the Anomaly Program but it’s actual title is in a foreign language I think Khazarian and means Chief Destuction or something along the lines of that

Apparently all of the subjects but one are Lobotomized, the reason for this I believe is because one only one person survived last time, a Targeted Individual in the program for around 22 Years, everyone else died on both sides, including the Organizers of the Shows.

With that huge failure, they plan on running as many people thru the program as they possibly can in order to hide the fact that it’s fatal to both sides.

If they knew they had a 100% Death Rate no one would join the program on the gangstalking end.

This Ramp also appears to be a huge flop for them

But It seams certain to increase

in any event back to the uncountable EONS

Well The “Gods” Are Gathering

The Sixth Seal has been opened and now more enemies are gathering for the end.

I’ve gotten a lot done with my acquantances

can’t really write ally or brother tho I’d prefer to.

Huge amount of media up

Especially check out the ‘ internet ‘ media as we got a lot of stuff with unique body’s that are very interesting to see, so check It out

I think it’s under internet as the category so hopefully you can find them there

got a bunch of new Xenomorph stuff done so that’s available as well.

the days going pretty good.

More “Gods” are having their attention drawn here, eventually the really big fish will be on the barbe and the entirety of forever will be fully overturned and overturned and overturned again.

trying to get the castles built in lake douglas similar to suikidon but much nicer castles

Castle Dunwhich and Dante’s Bridge perfect for Dandridge,

my lines are being turned into black holes by the end of transgression

So I’m find it difficult to get a line up for anyone other than myself to do anything with… basically Total Isolation once the line goes blackhole from transgression

Tho I do get to start up free lines without detriment those have been going blackhole as well, not sure how long it will last, maybe an IO or longer tho I was hoping for max just a few days.

Either way It works out, tons of lines or tons of people both are valuable

But maybe I needed the extra lines more.


Actually Called somethig like Tzevium

or Tzeserium

The Anomaly Program has been around for awhile now since around 1950 and ramped up heavily in the Eighties (tho cyclically it’s probably existed for eons in different forms).

There are about 1.5 Billion Traivillion people who have been or still are in the “program” or there abouts, difficult given the numbers to get a real count.
BASICALLY MANY MANY PEOPLE have been in this program

Some are in this program from birth to death.

Others are chosen at random due to a drop in living subjects

In Truth MOST DO NOT SURVIVE THIS PROGRAM only about .1 % or less are currently Living.

all the others are dead, murdered, assassinated, suicided ectera.

In Essence it’s far worse than just Gangstalking as the actual program has diverse goals

Forced Mind Control, Breaking the Human Spirit, Ruining someones Life irrevocably, basic hardcore 1984 type stuff.

For some of these people they were monitored and under survellence from birth to death, many of them have “Shows” and what show is, is basically a secretive “reality’ show that basically entails them showing off the techniques, trying new ones and all around Fucking with the subjects life, Gaslighting (Where they try to drive someone insane or at least PUBLICALLY insane, committed against their will to mental health fascillates and on psychotic medication) Gangstalking in which various people stalk the subject in which the subject is eventually made to be aware they are being stalked, sometimes by the entire community they live in, really, they also use various annoying devices be it voice to skull technology in which the subject starts hearing voices, forced implants from doctors visits especially if they can ever put the subject under, DEW or Directed Energy Weapons are also used on the subject, they break into their homes and plant survellence devices sometimes directly revealed to the subject every time they go out, as a lot of this is actually fully known by the subject whether they want to know or not. There are Also Assassination Attempts and Murder, like said MOST of the Subjects of this Program have been killed or murdered 80% ish.

Now that less than .1% of them remain they’ve been calling them the anomaly, given that they may have had trouble killing some of them or are merely toying with them.

All of this has the Greater Goal Given the Show, and The Show Is Important, as to both sides of the equation is THE SHOW horrorifying, as they fully reveal how they can ruin someones life irrevocably for even the slightest reasons. they also have a place where one can go to view deaths as well and given it’s 99.99 % Death is a Certainty almost, meaning the Insiders who watch this show are Emboldened and everyone not a part of the “Insiders” are Frightened By It.

It’s a very horrible tool.

Even more they DOX or reveal that people are watching the show to the Targetted Individual generally with private information about them where-ever they frequent online so that they stumble upon it. or they talk about the show itself.

They also reveal that they murder a large portion of these targets and talk about the repository of all the murders ectera, saying it will be uploaded to the usual place.

Even Worse, AS Far As I Can Tell there’s no Stopping This Program it will continue no matter what as the orchestrators of it are addicted and it’s horror is too valuable to them to lose.

If you are a part of this program and there are possibly Billions or Killions of people that are, please feel free to leave commit I have a load of questions

And No I Don’t fear for my life, I want this entire thing revealed and brought to light

AS the Bible says There isn’t anything Hidden that won’t be brought to light.

SO feel free to comment