so, yes they are doing that…. what to everybody, even kids… thats all

es rapes is primary but another not to forget about is that it is for the end shall be with flood and could allow it if its going on or too reach you suddenly, even if you think have ios ahead of it, one case of bambi hypnosis on a child or maybe a society or worse or between there , ( Could wipe the place about)

but remember also that everyone is a child literally, and ITS ONLY BEEN .1 secs as far as i can tell about the whole of existence, voids and coins behave strangly like that…. but… still if they just need one person for this to work forever everywhere they can get one or just wiping that direction……………..

should wipe this out…

you could also think the end shall be with flood hasn;t happened yet since its not 2047 but they are organizing this… for that… so its definitely if theres any of it, they probably going to use it to hyper accelerate the end shall be with flood. that id guess its for targeting you in advance before its activated to wipe you out completely. upon or not… hmmm….

in any event bambi hypnosis, it seams LIGHT, but its the end shall be with floood… its going to snuff. and makes sense… they’re doing this with that death pill, that people dissapear in this cyclone of clones mimics and other people going around as them, where the pill is death (Even if you think OH great hallucinations) but they literally higher goon death squads for it to makes use everyone whose ever taken it is snuffed, and it downloads from them entirely even their holy ghost not just the brain or the soul, so all that info from the death pill goes to the end shall be with flood along with bambi hypnosis which also does alittler but can much much much stronger to the point of waking up in your sleep like somebody just lit off an abomination of deslation right near you which it is. so all this info

if incase you survive to find you or someone related or known and and target them in advance of the flood beind even activated… so its all used for killing us all with the flood…


wipe it

they can hyper accelerate the flood and were from 2047 and if you think they cant get you, they tested it on everyone even the police and the cops even doctors and nurses… to make sure it will snuff permanently… and its designed to actually cause fleeing the flood to be impossible… but knocking you off course… anything thats questionable in total true like hypnosis and other stuff,., they;ll be a flood of this stuff to…. so just… save yourself, turn to god, call out for him to save you… you should be ok.


so i made a mint literally all the money that exists

so ole poor me isn’t doing that bad…

the end shall be with flood.

thats what i know,

I took off to knoxville today

and was able to pick up mercenary work at the west town mall for 14 trillion

which is alot of mony randomly, but was live manga

and i know it… the end shall be with flood

this was something like 114/115 abominations of desolations

but i know they wanted in the mall where people fucking were


i know

they could have

if it were’nt me

people will know this stuff

the end shall be with flood.

know it BEFORE

so Gregg had sex with some gnome and now hes cried black tears…

a few days ago somekind of gregg showed up as a dog… a gregg dog… like clearly in the living room, with my mom and dad around… . literally a gregg dog… i mean i know people have a lot of mimics dopplegangers, followers, stalkers, frans, loose coalititions where you all go around as adam gillie or curt whitmer, even made a cartoon back then whens that curt whitmersing everyone had became, a cartoon made entirely by curt whitmers… but back then i remember there only being one curt whitmer… not enough to literally fund animate and release a theatrical cartoon… but oh gregg dog excitement out of the way him having been here up to today, but upon noticing the gregg dog in the house, like the dog is clearly some kind of official gregg here as a dog mainly the family dog anne… who originally was a gear from forbidden history that may or may not have traveled here to meet me. so anyway lots of dogs later even serial killer dogs, satans sphinx, and the boss. dogs later, anne is now being playing by an official gregg who i guess gregg knew about… anyway hes been here or abouts the last few days… also like later on a curtwhitmer gregg dog combination appeared, where the dog is both gregg and curtwhitmer, so… anyway the dog manuevers the apoclypse so that im alone with him, what a interesting time that was… hhhmmm

ssoooo soo anyway i was browsing x videos, noticing the black tears there on samus and lots of other videos about to explode in black tears, and then i notice that fucking gnome on the video…

is that gnome causing black tears?? to people in porn…

then im like oh no, did gregg as a pornstar sleep with that gnome…

so i type in the pornstar name and sure enough theres a video preview with gregg with that fucking gnome

i guesss i just see see greggs face and hes cried black tears… so i quickly scroll down to see if theres a gregg that hasn’t cried black tears and i catch one and its consumation of the desolate… but gregg had cried black tears, then i watch as they change out gregg in the porn with greggs brother, all the same porn then bam gnome video greggs brother cries black tears, then bam they load up another person same porns bam reaches the gnome and black tears….

DONt neeed to write this i hope

but if you see that fucking gnome

cause i think curtwhitmer has cried black tears

i think it was that fucking gnome… 3300

i don’t have anyone left to even know i exist…

everybody knows who I am and a bit of nobody does

you’ve undoubtably heard of me, even if you didn’t know it was me

I Like having mildly crazy things to write. (if not beyond that)

I’ve been pretty busy skipping across the aeons recently

I’ve got friends

I’ve even got friends in high places

I’ve got more disciples than could ever hope for

And we’re going to play a game with the whole of reality

To make a video game, Apostles and Disciples.

For the computer

It’s sort of like pinball only slower and with live people

sort of like if you used reality for a pinball game in High Fantasy Archtype

And got to conquer far flung places and put down real foes at the same time

Around 2021 people will be almost extinct

And the most powerful and vicious will be succeeding

they will have gobs of apostles and disciples marching across existence.

but I want to win it all and I’ve got a plan to.

It’s been in motion

And I hope to not only bring everyone back that’s ever existed

But get all the loot and sweet armies for my “Lines”

JOIN IN should be fun

Maybe it’ll happen across eras of existence and the past and I can get a mmropg out of it

the USA is a experiment for human sacrifice in a large scale

Humans are already extinct

did you ever wonder why the universe seams so empty?

Perhaps its because there is a predatory species

Their method of extinction of other races is known as the abomination of desolation.

They get the species to build it themselves and then get them to use it on themselves.

If your curious if it would fail or not. that doesn’t appear likely.

aliens. in the bible?

It speaks of the mighty of the EL and why not to follow after other Gods.

Other Species?

I can prove they’ve committed the abomination of desolation everywhere

And what they’re after is the extinction of us

But they want it Consentually.

possibly because its humorous.

The fact that everyone is marching march step to the beat of the enemies drum Explains perfectly



Between the pebble and the sun

Most people may or may not be aware of the fact that the universe is a pebble and we can’t nessecarily even see the pebble what we see is like a tiny fissureĀ  the universe we know but the slightest crack.

Bridging the diference between the layers of dust the pebbles and the rise out of them to previous areas of stability is a great task I’m not really up for, I’v done a bit of exploring so I know it’s possible to rise up from the dust slowly but surely

For the dangers of the world, they use worlds to snuff subatomic people like us, For G-d so loved the world he gave his only begotton son.

There is no salvation on a world, and I don’t think the verse is speaking about the world but the people who make up the world the ones certain to be snuffed by the toilet.

If you are on a world please do not use this opportunity to be saved, your loss would be certain were you to remain in the world and not be saved

Worlds mean Snuff, tetragrammation Acoustic (w) Perfect (o) Raw (r) Evercleargoned (l) Smote (d) Spirit (s)

that’s what the word world means that its actually the spirit of perfect everclear goned

Meaning it leaves no remains and that you are certain to be smote by and everclear goned almost certainly should you be under ones power further its spiritual meaning theres no way it won’t do that to you because it’s the spirit OF doing that.

Don’t get everclear goned, rise up from the dust battle the kingdom of darkness

And the like

Recover from being dust be saved nothing else makes sense. don’t forget that the world is spiritual it wants you everclear goned, don’t give in to that spirit choose to be saved