Between the pebble and the sun

Most people may or may not be aware of the fact that the universe is a pebble and we can’t nessecarily even see the pebble what we see is like a tiny fissure  the universe we know but the slightest crack.

Bridging the diference between the layers of dust the pebbles and the rise out of them to previous areas of stability is a great task I’m not really up for, I’v done a bit of exploring so I know it’s possible to rise up from the dust slowly but surely

For the dangers of the world, they use worlds to snuff subatomic people like us, For G-d so loved the world he gave his only begotton son.

There is no salvation on a world, and I don’t think the verse is speaking about the world but the people who make up the world the ones certain to be snuffed by the toilet.

If you are on a world please do not use this opportunity to be saved, your loss would be certain were you to remain in the world and not be saved

Worlds mean Snuff, tetragrammation Acoustic (w) Perfect (o) Raw (r) Evercleargoned (l) Smote (d) Spirit (s)

that’s what the word world means that its actually the spirit of perfect everclear goned

Meaning it leaves no remains and that you are certain to be smote by and everclear goned almost certainly should you be under ones power further its spiritual meaning theres no way it won’t do that to you because it’s the spirit OF doing that.

Don’t get everclear goned, rise up from the dust battle the kingdom of darkness

And the like

Recover from being dust be saved nothing else makes sense. don’t forget that the world is spiritual it wants you everclear goned, don’t give in to that spirit choose to be saved

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